Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Error message when you try to view a Web page that is hosted on IIS 6.0: "Page cannot be displayed"



Check the Httperrlog_number.log file is located in the \System32\LogFiles\HTTPERR folder.

Check the task manager and very that the "nonpaged" kernal memory is below 110mb. Running an Exbpa will help determine this issue as well.

Note: Setthe video to default VGA driver.

Windows 2003 Scalable Networking pack and its possible effects on Exchange


You can actually see what connections are offloaded by using the netstat -t command.

This -t switch is only available if the networking pack is installed on a server.

An offloaded network connection can be in one of the following states:

In Host - the network connection is being handled by the host CPU

Offloading - the network connection is in the process of being transferred to the offload target

Uploading - the network connection is in the process of being transferred back to the host CPU

Offloaded - the network connection is being handled by the offload target.

Or you can use the netsh command which I prefer without having to reboot:

Netsh int ip set chimney DISABLED

Friday, September 4, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

How to remove and to reinstall IIS on a computer that is running Exchange Server


So in a nut shell for E2k7 on W2K3: uninstall IIS, and reinstall and then patch the OS.

uninstall the CAS role, and reinstall the case role.

setup /role:ca /mode:uninstall
setup /role:ca /mode:install

then recreate the VDir's from the Exchange management shell.