Monday, October 5, 2009

How to Simplify the Outlook Web Access URL

Applies to: Exchange Server 2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP1, Exchange Server 2007 Topic Last Modified: 2009-04-01

How to redirect an HTTP connection to HTTPS for Outlook Web Access clients and how to redirect the Default Web Site to point to the Exchange virtual d

Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Standard Edition
Microsoft Exchange 2000 Enterprise Server
Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server Standard Edition
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 Standard Edition

To use the Exchange Management console to configure IP Block List providers

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Error message when you try to view a Web page that is hosted on IIS 6.0: "Page cannot be displayed"


Check the Httperrlog_number.log file is located in the \System32\LogFiles\HTTPERR folder.

Check the task manager and very that the "nonpaged" kernal memory is below 110mb. Running an Exbpa will help determine this issue as well.

Note: Setthe video to default VGA driver.

Windows 2003 Scalable Networking pack and its possible effects on Exchange

You can actually see what connections are offloaded by using the netstat -t command.

This -t switch is only available if the networking pack is installed on a server.

An offloaded network connection can be in one of the following states:

In Host - the network connection is being handled by the host CPU

Offloading - the network connection is in the process of being transferred to the offload target

Uploading - the network connection is in the process of being transferred back to the host CPU

Offloaded - the network connection is being handled by the offload target.

Or you can use the netsh command which I prefer without having to reboot:

Netsh int ip set chimney DISABLED

Friday, September 4, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

How to remove and to reinstall IIS on a computer that is running Exchange Server

So in a nut shell for E2k7 on W2K3: uninstall IIS, and reinstall and then patch the OS.

uninstall the CAS role, and reinstall the case role.

setup /role:ca /mode:uninstall
setup /role:ca /mode:install

then recreate the VDir's from the Exchange management shell.

Friday, August 28, 2009

How to recreate re-create the Outlook Web Access-related virtual directories

Step 1: Delete and then re-create the Outlook Web Access-related virtual directories

To delete the Outlook Web Access-related virtual directories, follow these steps:
Start the Exchange Management Shell.

Type the following commands. Press ENTER after you type each command.

Note: These commands are case-sensitive.

Remove-OwaVirtualDirectory "exchange (default web site)"
Remove-OwaVirtualDirectory "public (default web site)"
Remove-OwaVirtualDirectory "exchweb (default web site)"
Remove-OwaVirtualDirectory "owa (default web site)"

To re-create the Outlook Web Access-related virtual directories, type the following commands at the Exchange Management Shell.

Press ENTER after you type each command:

New-OwaVirtualDirectory "exchange" -OwaVersion Exchange2003or2000 -VirtualDirectoryType Mailboxes -WebSiteName "Default Web Site"

New-OwaVirtualDirectory "public" -OwaVersion Exchange2003or2000 -VirtualDirectoryType PublicFolders -WebSiteName "Default Web Site"

New-OwaVirtualDirectory "exchweb" -OwaVersion Exchange2003or2000 -VirtualDirectoryType Exchweb -WebSiteName "Default Web Site"

New-OwaVirtualDirectory -name "owa" -OwaVersion Exchange2007 -WebSiteName "Default Web Site"

Exchange 2000 Server Eseutil Command Line Switches

Example: eseutil /?

Uncovering the Exchange 2007 Edge Transport Server (Part 1)


Securing an Exchange 2007 Client Access Server using a 3rd party SAN Certificate

Exchange 2007 lessons learned - generating a certificate with a 3rd party CA

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Slow Shutdown of Exchange 2003 Server Installed on DC

Method #1: Services kill timeout

Follow these easy steps:
Run Regedit and navigate to
The default value of WaitToKillServiceTimeout is set to 600000. Change it to 120000.
Exit the registry editor and reboot the server.
Note: Changing the WaitToKillServiceTimeout value may have some undesired effects on other services, use this method at your own risk.

Method #2: Manually stop Exchange related services - my choice

The best choice is to manually shutdown the Exchange related services before trying to shutdown or reboot the server. You can do so manually by going to the Services snap-in in the Administrative Tools menu and stopping the specific Exchange related services, or doing so from the CMD:
net stop MSExchangeES
net stop IMAP4Svc
net stop POP3Svc
net stop RESvc
net stop MSExchangeSRS
net stop MSExchangeMGMT
net stop MSExchangeMTA
net stop MSExchangeIS /Y
net stop MSExchangeSA /Y

Creating A Certificate For Outlook Web Access 2003 Using SelfSSL

Keyword: SSL

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Introduction to Exchange 2007 Server Roles

With E2k3 you bascially have a FE & A BE server, but with E2k7 it's a whole other ball game.

In a nut shell you have the following roles:

Edge Transport, Hub Transport, Client Access, Mailbox and Unified Messanging.

The following link will provide some additional insight.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

How to run Eseutil on a computer without Exchange Server

For Exchange Server 2003

Create a new folder on the computer that does not have Exchange Server 2003 installed.

Copy the Eseutil.exe, Ese.dll, Jcb.dll, Exosal.dll, and Exchmem.dll

files from the Exchange Server 2003 computer's Drive:\Exchsrvr\Bin folder to the new folder that you created.
At a command prompt, change directory to the new folder.
Run the eseutil command from this folder against any databases that were copied from the Exchange Server 2003 computer.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

How to configure quota settings for named properties and for replica identifiers in Exchange Server 2003 and in Exchange Server 2007

Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
Locate the following registry subkey, where is the name of the Exchange computer, and where is the name of the private or public MDB where you want to configure one or more of the quotas:
In the left pane, right-click Private-GUID, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.

To configure the Named Props Quota setting:
In the New Value #1 box, type Named Props Quota, and then press ENTER.
Right-click Named Props Quota, and then click Modify.
In the Value data box, type a positive integer between 1 and 0x7FFF, and then click OK.

To configure the Replids Quota setting:
In the New Value #1 box, type Replids Quota, and then press ENTER.
Right-click Replids Quota, and then click Modify.
In the Value data box, type a positive integer between 1 and 0x7FFF, and then click OK.

To configure the Replids Quota setting:
In the New Value #1 box, type NonMAPI Named Props Quota, and then press ENTER.
Right-click NonMAPI Named Props Quota, and then click Modify.
In the Value data box, type a positive integer between 1 and 0x7FFF, and then click OK.
Quit Registry Editor.
Start Exchange System Manager, dismount the database where you configured one or more quotas, and then remount the database.

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Scalable Networking Pack release

To turn off TCP Chimney by using the Netsh.exe tool, follow these steps:
Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
At the command prompt, type Netsh int ip set chimney DISABLED, and then press ENTER.

Keywords: TCP Chimney

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Exchange Server 2003 mailbox store does not mount when the mailbox store database reaches the 16-GB limit

Exchange 2007 Store Related Changes and Improvements

Exchange Server 2007 comes in two flavors, a standard edition and an enterprise edition, just like previous versions of Exchange. The Mailbox Server when talking about the Exchange Server 2007 Standard edition supports a total of 5 Storage Groups and 5 databases. Unlike Exchange 2003 and previous versions of Exchange there’s no longer a database storage limit in the standard edition. The Mailbox server in the Exchange 2007 Enterprise edition supports up to 50 Storage groups and a maximum of 50 databases per server. Exchange 2007 allows you to create up to 5 databases in each Storage Group as is the case with Exchange 2003, but best practice is to create 1 database per Storage Group. So why should you have a one to one relationship between storage groups and databases? Well primarily because you’ll be up and running a lot faster considering disaster recovery scenarios, etc.

You may experience slow client performance if the version store runs out of memory in Exchange Server 2003

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How do I move the System Attendant mailbox to another store in exchange 2003

1) Open up adsiedit.msc

2) Connect to the configuration context using the pdc/gc (it should be automatically selected for you when you choose the configuration context)

3) Navigate to Services / Microsoft Exchange / Organisation Name / Administrative Groups / Administrative Group / Servers / Server Name / Microsoft System Attendant

4) Right click on the "Microsoft System Attendant" object and choose properties

5) Choose "HomeMDB" and click edit

6) Change the CN of the mailstore to the one you wish to move the System Attendant into

7) Click ok and exit adsiedit

8) Restart the System Attendant service

9) In Exchange System Manager, right click on the Mailboxes folder of the mailstore that used to house the system attendant and choose "Run Cleanup Agent" (you should see the old System Attendant mailbox turn into a disconnected account ready for purging)

10) Right click on your Exchange Server and choose "Start Mailbox Management Process" (this should force the Exchange system to create the new System Attendant mailbox)

11) Check to make sure the new System Attendant account has been created in the correct mailstore, also open Outlook and attempt to conduct a Free/Busy search in the Calendar, if both of these are fine then you can purge the old System Attendant account

Recipient Update Service Did Not Process All Changes

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Event ID 929 is logged, and mail is not delivered from one mail server to another mail server in an Exchange 2000 Server organization


Project DescriptionADModify.NET is a tool primarily utilized by Exchange and Active Directory administrators to facilitate bulk user attribute modifications. See for launch details

Exchange log disk is full, Prevention and Remedies

Exchange log disk is full, Prevention and Remedies

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Overview of the ExchDump tool for Exchange 2000 Server and for Exchange Server 2003

Instead of utilizing LDP to get dump of the policies, you can ran an execdump.exe /server from the /bin directory and it create the fillowing: ExchDump_XXXXXX_XXXXXX XML & HTM for review.


CN=SMALLBIZ (ldap://CN=SMALLBIZ,CN=Servers,CN=first/ administrative group,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=SBS,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=SBS,DC=local) Class: msExchExchangeServer Schema: LDAP://schema/msExchExchangeServer msExchDataPath : "C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr" serialNumber : "Version 6.5 (Build 7638.2: Service Pack 2)" serverRole : 0 whenChanged : Thursday, 11/06/2008 15:31:57 (GMT) ->Click for more details...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A message that exceeds the configured size limit is sent to a server that is running Exchange Server 2003

Exparse Cmd Example

I used the following cmd to dump the 10 largest incoming/outgoing messages by bytes to a txt file from a message tracking log file.

C:\Program Files\exparse>cscript exparse.vbs /l:"C:\exparse\logfile.log" /v:2000 /sort:bytes /R:10 /S:10

Note: Command Syntax

Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.

Invalid flag .

Parses Exchange Tracking logs.

1. ExParse.vbs /V:
/L: or ]

/V Valid Versions (55, 2000)
/L Tracking log, or log directory
/R Display the Top X Recipients.
/S Display the Top X Senders.
/p Display the Top X Public folders.
/Sort Sort by # message or message bytes.

NOTE:With extremly large tracking logs it is not recommended to
track senders,recipients, Public folders,and gateways at the same time

1. cscript ExParse.vbs /v:55 /l:c:\20030523.log
Parses the Exchange 55 tracking log in c:\temp.

2. cscript ExParse.vbs /v:55 /l:c:\20030523.log /r:7
Parses the Exchange 55 tracking log in c:\temp, and shows the top seven users

Troubleshooting Version Store issues - JET_errVersionStoreOutOfMemory

Note: I had a case were I was getting events 623, 1022, 1025 and the following event ID.

Example of a 623 in the application logs:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: ESE
Event Category: Transaction Manager
Event ID: 623
Date: 1/26/2009
Time: 3:34:46 PM
User: N/A
Computer: Computer
Information Store (4176) Standard Storage Group X: The version store for this instance (2) has reached its maximum size of 155Mb. It is likely that a long-running transaction is preventing cleanup of the version store and causing it to build up in size. Updates will be rejected until the long-running transaction has been completely committed or rolled back.
Possible long-running transaction:
SessionId: 0xBD33ACA0
Session-context: 0x00000000
Session-context ThreadId: 0x000015AC
Cleanup: 1
For more information, click

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Instructions for gathering data for Exchange Process Crash using Adplus.vbs on a 32bit server

Before the crash occurs
1) Download and install the Microsoft Debuggers

NOTE: You do not have to install the debug tools on your Exchange server. It can be installed on a workstation then copied to the
the Exchange server.

a. Go to
b. Under "Download the Debugging Tools for Windows" select the Current Release version.
c. In the File Download dialog box, Select Save and save file to the local hard drive.
d. Once downloaded, navigate to the folder and double click the executable to install.

2) Run Adplus.vbs on the Exchange server console (not through Terminal Services).
a. Open a command prompt by going to Start, Run and enter the syntax: CMD
b. Navigate to the debuggers folder (Default is c:\Program Files\Debugging Tools For Windows):
c: Enter the syntax:

cscript adplus.vbs -crash -pn -o c:\_DumpFile

example to create a dump file for the Store process:
cscript adplus.vbs -crash -pn Store.exe -o c:\Store_DumpFile

d. Click "OK" to the Adplus Warning stating "An _NT_SYMBOLS_PATH environment variable is not set..."
e. Review the Windows Script Host dialog box stating ADPlus is now running in CRASH mode…” Click OK after reading the dialog box.

At this point, Adplus will attach a debugger to the process and wait for an Access Violation. Once an Access Violation occurs,
the debugger will be invoked and a dump file will be created.
Do NOT manually stop or terminate the process.
The folder c:\Store_DumpFile will be automatically created
The Store dump file will have a .dmp file extension and associated data files will be placed in the folder
An alternate local drive can be used if drive c:\ does not have enough drive space.

3) Compress the files created (use your case number as the filename) and FTP them to Microsoft Support using the agreed transfer method.

4) Please include the following information in a text file:
· What version of NT and Service Pack are you running?
· What Exchange Hotfixes do you have installed?
· A full description of the events leading up to the crash.
· Can you recover the server restarting the service?
· Does this happen only under heavy load?
· Have you temporarily disabled any Antivirus software?

Keywords: ADPLUS, Dump, Crash.